Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog post 2

    A lot has happened since the last post, so ill start from where I left of.  The day after we had a tour of the market, we went to the bank to exchange our dollars for rupees.  To get to the bank we divided into two groups and each group took a single rickshaw (see photo below).  Meaning that 12 people were crammed into this tiny tricycle.  Instead of taking a rickshaw back to campus, we decided to walk, and on the way back got our first real experience of walking with cows in on the side of a busy street.
    The next day we went and had a tour of an orphanage, and watched some of the kids play a game of cricket.  After class the next day small groups went back to the market to explore.  The group of guys I was with discovered the meat section, which was not quite as pleasant as a butcher shop in the states.  There were pools of blood in the gutter, rats running around, a goat head, along with its feet, covered in flies, and a cage stuffed with at least 20 chickens.  Later in the afternoon we came across temple and were greeted by a few kids that insisted on having the pictures taken dozens of times.
   On Thursday october 13th we left for a four night trip down the east coast to Pondicherry.  The first night we stayed a resort on the beach, not far from Chennai.  Before arriving at the resort we stopped at a museum type place that had exhibited building styles from all over India.  Also, there were vendors selling handmade stone carvings, paintings, jewelry, and palm mats.  Later in the day we went to an alligator/crocodile/caiman farm, and were also able to see a snake show.  The next day went to a set of temples that were carved out of a single stone.
                        I have fallen so far behind on my this blog that i have lost all motivation to try and catch back up.  So instead of giving a written description of everything going on, ill just post pictures with a brief description.

One of my favorite photos so far

13 years old and riding a motorcycle

That's rice he's walking on

the rickshaw we fit 12 people in

10 story tall gold spheroid used for meditation in Auroville

rice field

row of rice